OAG Historical Background

The Office was first established by proclamation No. 6/1993 in 1993 as the Office of Auditor General for The Amahara National Regional State to check and reinforce departmental balance and matching of quantitative allocation with qualitative purpose. For the 2nd time it revised by proclamation No.6/1995 in 1995. The ANRSOAG was reestablished for 3rd time by the Proclamation No. 98/2004 in 2004, which clarified and expanded the Auditor General's responsibilities. Based on the given mandate the Office discharges its duties & responsibilities and according to the last 16 years performance Audit coverage has been growth from time to time and it shift from 2% to 30% of from total number of Entities.. To perform its function the office has given the following powers & duties on proclamation at article 7.


2.1. Audit or cause to be audited the accounts of the Regional Government offices and organizations;

2.2. Audit or cause to be audited the assistances and Regional Government Offices and organizations;

2.3. Carry out or cause to be carried out performance & environmental audit, as may be necessary, to ensure that the result brought by the Regional Government offices and organizations complies with the law is executed economically and attains the desired objectives;

2.4.Carry out or cause to be carried out the examinations of resources Control and information technology (IT) Audit to ensure whether the whole system of control and the information installed at the Regional Government offices and organizations is adequately devised and implemented Properly and effectively

2.5.Undertake special audit assignment based on the seriousness of the matter when requested by the Council, Regional Courts, other government offices or organizations, as well as by the public at large owing to operational mistakes or irregularities to have been identified in the irregular auditing period

2.6.Inform audit findings performed, in accordance with the Provisions stipulated hereof, to chief head of the pertinent office or organization, and report to the concerned body where the audit findings reveal the commission of a crime;

2.7.Issue directives of audit standards and operational procedures in consultation with the concerned office and organization as well as Federal and other Regional audit offices;

2.8.Provide the required training and certificate of competence thereto for internal auditors in cooperation with the concerned office and organization; be able to cause internal audit report to be submitted to it, as may be necessary;

2.9.Impound such books, documents, ledgers, vouchers and other materials related same where it has reasons to believe that an account has been kept in a criminal and dishonest manner;

2.10.   Provide the necessary advice and suggestion on drafts of rule, regulation and directives prepared by the Finance and Economic Development Bureau, Industry and Urban Works Bureau, Trade and Transport Bureau, Revenue Authority and Other Bureaus regarding keeping of Financial & Property keeping and accounts;

2.11.   Make efforts, in co-operation with the pertinent Federal and Regional Government offices, that the Accounting and Auditing Profession be promoted geared the in right direction

2.12.   issue, renew, suspend and cancel certificates of competence which enables those auditors performing audit profession and accountants carry out accounting in the Region to involve in the field;

2.13.   Issue a uniform directive in consultation with the Office of the Auditor General of the Federal government that enables to issue, suspend and cancel certificates of competence of auditors and accountants;

Charge fees, which to be determined by a regulation issued pursuant to this proclamation, while issuing and renewing certificate of competence.















Head Office OAG On Google Map Dessie Branch Office
    Email: anrsoag@ethionet.et


    Tel +251-58-222-0275

    Tel +251-58-220-0634

    Fax +251-58-220-1694

    P.O.Box 479

    Bahir Dar City, Tana Subcity FelegeHiwot Hospital area

    Email: anrsoag@ethionet.et


    Tel   +251-333-117356


    Fax   +251-333

    P.O.Box 479

    Dessie Twon, Bunbua Wuha Subcity